Bowling Green Riverfront Park Master Planning
Welcome to the Bowling Green Riverfront Park Master Planning project website! This is where you can stay up to date on the project's progress and leave feedback with our interactive tools on the Get Engaged tab!
The Riverfront Park Master Planning Project on the Barren River includes what the City calls Riverfront Park East and West outlined in red on the aerial map. The total project site is about 71 acres of City-owned land. The site is connected to the College Street Pedestrian Bridge that connects to Mitch McConnell Park. The first phase of the project includes a master planning process done through a collaborative effort of three different consulting firms. MKSK will lead the planning and design efforts, providing landscape architect and community engagement. Strand engineering will provide civil engineering services and Smith Gee Studio are architects that will also be assisting with community engagement.

Riverfront Park Master Plan
Fly through the Riverfront Park!
The Final Master Plan